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Labview Lags(not responding)

Hello there,

I am using Labview Q1 2023 64 bit . I am facing a serious issue that while on developing application or during Run time , the labview software hangs on (not responding ) frequently every time. Please help me on this. 


I am using windows 11 with i-5 core processor with 16gb RAM. I thought I may be issue due to low ram memory (previous 8gb), then I replaced with 16gb ram , but still I got same issue.

Message 1 of 3

Is there anything unusual with your application or is it a general issue even for simple programs? Does the problem occur also after closing LabVIEW an starting with a new empty VI?


Tell us more. Do you have very complex diagrams? Huge data structures in graphs or other indicators? Lots of overlapping front panel objects? Are you using classes, toolkits, third party drivers, etc. Are LabVIEW and all dependencies located on a local disk or are parts on a network location?

Did you scan your drive for errors? How is CPU usage? What is the memory usage? (I assume it was high because why else would you think that increasing ram would help).


Do you run any extra antivirus and other security software?

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Message 2 of 3


1. This issue specifically occurred in my application not for all application (simple program).

2. No this issue not happen with new empty vi.

3. My project is based on Communication with mitsubishi plc via NI OPC server, but currently 

    I have not attached any network shared variable tags of plc(currently added to project tree only).

4.It contain about 350+ indicator, 200+ boolean button, 350+ numeric entry , some numeric display

   and about 28 tab pages for which I have use one event structure to switch between all screen.

5.I have notice when the application got not responding the CPU usage goes to above 90%.

6. I can not  attached the application for reference because my whole project goes like 75 mb.


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Message 3 of 3