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Labview BLE toolkit with bled112, too slow in reading data!!! Can I read 16 Bit data, can I use notifications instead of polling?


I am using the BLE toolkit to read one characteristic. Unfortunetly this charateristic has 16Bit. As in the toolkit only 8 bit can be read, I spitted my data to send it in two different 8 bit characteristics. This makes it much too  slow. At the moment I am polling the characteristic values in a loop.

Is there any way to make the readout quicker? Is there a way to receive notifications?

I set the baudrate of the com port to 112500.


I would be very happy about any suggestions.

Thanks a lot.




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Message 1 of 3

Hi Vlw,


@VIvv wrote:

I am using the BLE toolkit to read one characteristic. Unfortunetly this charateristic has 16Bit. As in the toolkit only 8 bit can be read, I spitted my data to send it in two different 8 bit characteristics.

Why do you think you can only read one byte per read access?

There is an example in the toolkit showing how to read the whole device name with just one read call…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 3

True, I thought about that as well. But I read a lot of foren post which said that ony 8 Bit was possible. Also from experience my data was cut after 8 bit.

Are you familier with that toolkit? Do you know what to change to receive the total data value of 16 bit?


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