04-17-2009 12:28 AM
I am using Bartender (seagull) application to print Label in Zebra printer 105L (300dpi) from Labview 7.1 using Activex.
find attached the vi to print the label.
when I run this vi neither the label is printed nor the error message pops up.
pls sugget me to print label.
04-17-2009 01:19 AM
04-18-2009 02:27 AM
I am refering to the "WhitePaper_GettingStartedwithActiveXAutomationUsingVB6" of Bartender to print from LABview7.1. same problem continues.
I have selected the printer 105S (300 dpi) in use printer control as in attached Vi.
Two printer will be connected to the PC one with serial port and other with Parallel port. how the selection of the printer port through Activex can be done.
10-21-2009 04:33 AM
Hi anusree,
I'm also working with the BarTender software from Labview and have a similar application.
I was wondering if you found a way to use Active-X in the end ?
I'm not too familiar with Active-X or with visual basic so I'll appreciate it if you can send me some Labview active-X examples for the BarTender if you have some...
10-21-2009 10:56 PM
11-11-2011 08:39 AM
Did anybody else has some these printers and software?
I'm encoutering some problem with writing values to the template file. I don't know what the subStringName should be.
Thank you for any help
11-11-2011 10:45 AM
Are you using the same label format all the time? It might be easier to write directly to the printer using ZPL. ZPL is the label format language that Zebra printers use. I haven't worked with the label design packages much but Zebra printers are fairly easy to work with using ZPL. Then you simply use VISA to connect to the serial and parallel ports and send the label to the printer. There are a couple of ways you can handle variable data. One is to simply replace the specific fields in your string prior to sending it to the printer. The other is to store a format on the printer and receall it while supplying it with the values for the variable data.
You can download the ZPL manual from Zebra. If you can describe you basic label I should be able to provide you with the example ZPL to print it.
11-14-2011 01:04 AM
First of all, thank you for your help.
Well, in fact I don't use a Zebra printer but a Toshiba that also uses the BarTender software.
And I have the printer connected through USB to my 64bit system.
It might be that I solved the problem yesterday. (I found out what they meant with "subString" and could label it correctly.)
But to be sure I need some labels to print on (I'm still awaiting them)
11-14-2011 02:37 AM
Hi all,
I have used Ring 4012+ Barcode printer recently and made few VI's also.
Posting them for reference.
I Hope its useful for someone.
05-09-2017 09:12 AM
i have ZT410 zebra
i want bartender for this printer