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LabVIEW vxlapi CANCASEXL configuration

I don't understand what is your problem.

Please explain it a bit more.


0 Kudos
Message 21 of 49



CAN Identifiers are of two types:

1) Normal - 11 bits

2) Extended - 29 bits


With the VI you are using we can send the identifiers of length 11 bits but, not of 29 bits. Please suggest the modifications in the sending format or any other change to be made in this regard.


Attached image for reference.


Thanks and Regards,

Amit Chincholi

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 49


I have no used that feature before, so I am not sure how it works, but I read the manual and it tells you what to do.

Please take a look in the section

3.2.8 xlCanSetChannelAcceptance

You can also see the vxlapi.h


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Message 23 of 49

Thanks for the info.. I am able to send 29 bit identifier now by ORing the ID with 0x 8000 0000..




0 Kudos
Message 24 of 49


i am in final year . now adays am on my 6 months training . i have been given a project related to CANcaseXL. i have been asked to program in a such a ways that the job of typing the meesage in CANviewer and then sending it is done automated. that is at present the messages have to typed and sent into the network . i have to do that the typing part is replaced and selceting  .ASC file or only few messages and send them directly to the network . .ASC file is the file containing messages .

please help....... 


0 Kudos
Message 25 of 49

Sorry, but I don't understand what do you need. Robot Indifferent

Do you need to send the frames by network (once you have received them)?


0 Kudos
Message 26 of 49


actually we have some  .ASC files in which we have CAN messages i.e 8bit messages . to send those messages we have to type those messages manually in CAN  Viewer. but we dont want to type rather we wana do something like browsing a file and selecting the entire file or few number of CAN messages (say 30) and send them into the CANcaseXL. 


basically we dont wana type the CAN messages ... just "selcet and send" into the network.



0 Kudos
Message 27 of 49

OK. Now I understand.


So you should read the file .asc and send the messages through CAN right?.


I think that if you are aleready able to send messages through the CANcaseXL, the automation (send messages through the CAN interface) is not complicated (read a file, estract the messages you want, send them).


If your problem is that you have problems sending the messages because your .vi is not correct (compilation or send the wrong message), I can give you a hand.



0 Kudos
Message 28 of 49

oh...thats so great of you ..


i really appreciate that ....


yeah my main problem is that only... Smiley Happy


but we have to make a separate GUI which performs only this function ie. of sending messages ....most likely  in "VB" .

i am able to make gui and more or less i can also make it send messages but how to connect that GUI with our hardware i,e CANcaseXL..that is  how we will define the path of messages to be send and where to be sent ? 




is it possible to make some changes in the already existing software i,e, in CAN Viewer ? and make it automated in sending messages ?


and can u explain all this process to me in detail please ?


Regards.. Smiley Happy

0 Kudos
Message 29 of 49

I don't know the CAN viewer software, so I cannot help with that.


In the thread you'll find the ".vi" that let you send CAN frames. (I put it there to the last member who ask for) .


I understad you are using labview, so I'm pretty sure you can figure out how to make a GUI for that ".vi" (the hard work is done (transmit through the CAN hardware), you just have to make it as you like).


For the automation proccess, you have a lot of examples in labview (open a file, work wih it, etc).


If you have a specific question, maybe I could actually help, but explain in detail all the thing that you need is not possible for me.

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Message 30 of 49