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LabVIEW load error code 3: could not load front panel

Anybody seen this error?  Screen shot attached, also vi.  (it's 6.0.2)
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Message 1 of 5
I know this is a stupid question, but does anybody know of a decompiler/disassembler for built labVIEW applications?  I know my VI is corrupt (along with my bakup) but my last build is ok....  I'm fishing now.  As I am going back trying to implement what I did in this version from my notes...I know this is going to take a while to redo..

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Message 2 of 5

Hi Zac,

I could not find any decompilers, and found some forums that confirm that.  Is there no other location where your source is stored?  This is a crazy idea, but I have heard of these issues going away if you use a system restore on your computer.  Of course that is only true if the corruption happened recently.  Sorry for your troubles.

Brian K.
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Message 3 of 5
I can't help you with your basic problem, but having a source control system in place can be a major help in situations like this. Moreover the really good news is that the best SCC system for use with LV is free! I am speaking of Subversion, if you would like to learn more do a search on the forum for "subversion" and then come back with any questions.


PS: A time of crisis can often be an opportunity to get management to approve things they might otherwise say "no" to.

Certified Professional Instructor
Certified LabVIEW Architect
LabVIEW Champion

"... after all, He's not a tame lion..."

For help with grief and grieving.
Message 4 of 5
Thanks Brian and Mike for your responses.  I tried a system restore and it didn't help.

It was a strange thing.  I made some changes...saved...backed up..compiled.
Started up the newly comipled app on the tester and noticed 1 small thing, changed it, saved it..backed it up (without trying it...)

So thats how my vi, and my backup got corrupt...

Anyway..I am also doing research on subversion...I'll see if I can get this going.

Thanks again,
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Message 5 of 5