Hi Botman,
Unfortunately you are in a unique situation in that you have 2 of the same type device that are removed from the system and reconnected to the system at the same time. However, it is probably not guaranteed that one device will be detected before another consistently. Given your situation I would recommend that you set up your application to programmatically discover the devices in your system. There is an example program
here that demonstrates how to do this. In your case I think detecting by serial number would be ideal. All you would need to do is include the LLB file in your project to ensure that all of the necessary VIs are included.
Keep in mind that this will require some modification of your code. You will need to use the lower-level DAQmx functions rather than the DAQ Assistant (which basically serves as a wrapper around the lower-level functions). In the end, adding the VI from the example program above and using lower-level DAQmx functions will make your code more robust because distributing the executable to another system (or even using it on the development system) will not require the user to interface with MAX at all. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Andrew W
National Instruments