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LabVIEW YouTube Channel

I recently started a LabVIEW focused YouTube channel. The plan is to do a mix of content including: how to use LabVIEW features, some open-source LabVIEW projects I've setup, hardware demos, and cybersecurity (currently doing a series where I will walk through each control family of NIST 800-171 and discuss what controls impact LabVIEW developers and share tools to help accommodate requirements).

I am still just starting to get content created and uploaded but if you are interested in LabVIEW content, feel free to subscribe! Also, if there are any requests as to specific content that anyone wants to see (or see more of), feel free to send me a message.


Also, I am just learning how best to record and edit these so quality isn't great now but is getting better with each video.

Link to the channel is

Message 1 of 6



A couple of comments:


  1. It would be nice if you didn't have the long intro with each video. Maybe have a short intro (like 2-3 seconds with a short sentence) at the beginning and then the longer version at the end?
  2. The audio is OK, but could be better (this is more annoying because the main audio is quieter than the intro audio, making it hard to balance on the viewer side).

Try to take over the world!
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

I appreciate the feedback there. I will work on getting a shorter intro for this. 

Also, the audio should be getting better soon. I’ve got an actual microphone on it’s way. So far I’ve just been using the computer microphone. As far as balancing the intro/actual video audio, I will try to fix that. I’m still learning how to edit videos so each one should be a little better than the last haha.


But I do appreciate the thoughts on this!

Message 3 of 6

AI (?) screwed up here:



The topics look interesting enough though. I will have a look.


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

I'm going to assume that you're really enjoying this, based on the upload rate. I would recommend slowing down considerably (maybe one to three videos a week?), both so you don't burn yourself out and because it can be difficult for people to keep up with so much content.

Try to take over the world!
Message 5 of 6

Haha I have been enjoying putting these together. I definitely do plan to slow down on these. The goal was to initially get a decent amount of content uploaded. Mostly because I personally hate when I find a really good youtube video and then go to the channel just to notice that they only made 3 videos. Now that I have a decent amount put together, I will be releasing at a slower rate but have plans to continue for the foreseeable future.

Message 6 of 6