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LV 8.2 Waveform Chart Scale Format Issue

[... I guess I should sign up to be a Beta tester ... Smiley Wink ]
I can't seem to set the Y-axis format for a waveform chart to Floating Point, 0 (zero) Digits of Precision
In the attached VI, right click on the Y-axis and select "Formatting...".  If I change the "Digits" field to 0 and click OK, nothing happens.  If I pop up the formatting window again, the "Digits" field reverts back to 1.
If I switch to "Advanced editing mode" before changing the "Digits" to 0, then change the string to "%.0f" and click outside the control, it tells me the format code is not valid.  If I change the "Digits" to 0, then switch to "Advanced editing mode", the string is "%.0f" and the format code is (apparently) valid.  Either way, nothing changes when I click OK.
Anyone else see this?  (I'm running LV8.2, Windows 2000)  I don't see this in 7.1.1 or 8.0.1.
Message 1 of 8


Apparently this is worse than I thought - I can't seem to set digits of precision to 0 for any floating point numeric control, not just chart scales.

Message 2 of 8

Confirmed on chart, numeric, XY Graph on Labview 8.2, Win XP

Oh dear,  thats another bad one you have uncovered Smiley Mad


Message 3 of 8
Yes this is bad, I get error 1077: LabVIEW:  Invalid property value.
If you use advanced formatting this happens:

%.0f is not allowed
%d is allowed, it looks like they force you to use decimals (which might be a good point)
This is what the help states about formatting codes:

For single-precision, floating-point numbers, National Instruments recommends that you use values from 1 to 6 for _Significant Digits. For double-precision and extended-precision, floating-point numbers, National Instruments recommends that you use values from 1 through 13 for _Significant Digits.

It is only recommanded but it says nothing about a valid range....

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Message 4 of 8
This was reported to R&D (40FC9LTX) for further investigation.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
Message 5 of 8
Yeah, for now I think the best thing to do for this situation is to use the %d in the advanced editing mode.  You can also write the format string to a property node, for those who were programmatically setting the digits to 0....

Travis M
National Instruments
Message 6 of 8

Thanks - I hadn't thought of using "%d" - I'll do that.


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

Some further info:

This seems to really be 2 bugs in 1:

1.  It won't allow this setting which should be allowed

2.  It doesn't tell you it's not allowed - trying it just doesn't work, and the setting reverts to the previous valid one when you click the OK button (i.e. If I click the decrement arrow to lower the setting from 6 down to 0, then click OK, it will actually go to 1)

Also, If I open a LV 7.1.1 VI in LV 8.2, but don't touch the format setting, it stays at 0 digits and seems to display properly - if I do edit the setting, I can't go back to 0.


Message Edited by Jaegen on 09-20-2006 09:32 AM

Message 8 of 8