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Introducing LabVIEW 2009

Thanks for the additional information. I'm using the normal desktop LabVIEW platform so the module should do exactly what I need - make my MathScript code work again. I'm measuring acoustic impedance so a lot of the data processing is done with complex numbers (in the square root of -1 sense). Writing the code with MathScript slows the processing down a little but makes the whole process easier and less prone to error. Without it I would probably have to abandon LabVIEW for performing the data processing and rewrite in Matlab or something similar.




0 Kudos
Message 201 of 203


GrantM wrote:
Hello Chris,

The MathScript RT Module is available on Linux.  Note, however, that the MathScript RT Module provides MathScript support for both the desktop and the RT platform.  Since LabVIEW for Linux does not support deployment to RT, the MathScript RT Module for Linux will only support the desktop platform.

Grant M.
Senior Software Engineer | LabVIEW MathScript | National Instruments


Dennis Knutson has kindly provided a link to "NI LabVIEW MathScript RT Module for Mac/Linux" which states "This module is free; contact NI for details.".
Looking forward, LabVIEW 2010 will soon be out.
Could you please state National Instrument's official policy regarding ownership of LabVIEW MathScript RT 2009 for Mac/Linux?
If Chris and others acquire MathScript RT for Linux now for free, then will they own it?  Will they be allowed to upgrade to LabVIEW MathScript RT 2010 for Mac/Linux?
Will they have their ownership swooped away from them?  What happens to their programs that utilize MathScript RT 2009 for Mac/Linux if they are held hostage to purchase a new version with no upgrade rights if they have never actually paid for it?
I have 10 copies of MathScript on SSP and our ownership was taken away from us when the 2009 vesrsion came out.  This happened eventhough we had paid for our 10 copies and had a current SSP contract active for all 10.
I just think it would be fair for NI to be upfront on its "plans" for us all regarding MathScript RT.
0 Kudos
Message 202 of 203

I see that this thread has been resurrected.


Just as an update on my current position w/ the MathScript RT module.


My local sales rep was able to role the MathScript RT Module into my current SSP at no extra charge.  The line item on my SSP renew quote has "MathScript RT Module - $449" and then a "0" next to it to show that they did not charge and it was not included in the total for the renewal.


It is unclear (at this point) if the renew fees (which I believe is 20%) on the MathScript RT Module will be applied next year...hopefully not.  But at least my company does not have to pay for a full module.  We already paid full price for the feature when we went with the version of LabVIEW we decided to go with in the first place.


I'm glad NI sees this as a problem and is rectifying it for their users.  Thank you. 


I hope that NI will keep this incident in mind when they consider removing other features in LabVIEW and then try and sell them separately.  NI makes a terrific product that does not have any direct competition.  This means that they have their current users "by the balls" (to put it so bluntly).  It would not be easy for a lot of us to migrate onto a competing platform (and probably not cost effective).  Abuse of that power is really taken to heart.

Message 203 of 203