08-07-2009 07:13 AM
08-07-2009 08:08 AM
08-07-2009 08:39 AM
There are several examples that ship with LV that demonstrate using DAQmx counters to generate pulses. Help > Find Examples
08-07-2009 12:03 PM
Krsone, the example you sent didn't open here because I have only LabView 7.1 here in the Laboratory.
Wayne, I've searched in the examples and I didn't find what I want or something related.
What I did is create a boolean array and put it to send each position in a specific frequency. For example I chose a frequency
of 10Mhz and create a boolean array of 20000 positions. In the first position and in the last I put a "High Level data" and in
the others a "Low Level data", so I achieved a sinal that sends a High level signal and after 2 sec send another one.
To change the time between the high level states I must change the boolean array and for it I have to stop the vi.
What I want is a vi with a configurable time between these 2 high states while the vi runs.