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Impulse response of unknown system

I am currently working on a vibration analyser in LabView. I have data generated in Matlab simulink model, potantially data might also come from measurements on real object. Data consists of stimulus and time response signals. To extract modal parameters I have to have plot Nyquist and Bode diagrams. I have already done that by estimating my transfer function with system identyfication toolkit. The problem is I have to feed the function with transfer function orders whereas my goal was to get impulse response, mainly Bode and Nyquist plots, without any knowledge of the system, and then extract modal parameters (natural frequency and damping) from this plots. If I estimate transfer function in advance, feeding it with its orders, there is no need to perform modal analysis at all, as I can extract needed parameters from the model itself, and modal analysis was the main point of this project.
I attach .rar file with few meauserement data sets and my VI, for the moment stripped from analysis, just acquiring data and interpolating it into waveforms. I thank for any help in getting impulse response in advance Smiley Happy

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Message 1 of 3

Of course, everywhere where I said "impulse" I meant "frequency", stupid mistake, sorry.

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Message 2 of 3

Is this Homework?  We don't do homework.  Are you learning LabVIEW?  Show (much more of) your work, tell us where you are having LabVIEW problems, and we'll make suggestions.  Are you trying to learn Signal Theory, how to obtain transfer functions of real systems?  I'm sure there are many good Engineers on the LabVIEW Forums who could help you, but this is, after all, a LabVIEW, not Signal Theory, forum ...


Bob Schor

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