04-11-2013 02:06 PM
Hi everybody!
I have a project to monitor three identical processes (i.ex., A, B and C) which have the same VI.
To run this project I created three identical VIs and I placed its respective controls.
I'll increase this project in the future repeating the same process (D,E, F and G) but I wouldn't like to need to recreate 4 new VIs.
Is there any way to use just only one VI and just change the controls?
Thank you very much!!
04-11-2013 02:14 PM
If I understand you write, you need to create clones of a single VI to have multiple running at once.
Check these links for dynamically cloning VIs from a VI template (vit) file.
The last one also deals with subpanels which may be of use to you as well.
04-11-2013 02:38 PM
What exactly do you mean by "change the controls"? Can you more details about what exactly is different between these VIs? If done correctly, you could probably just create a single VI and set the reentrancy to preallocate for each instance.
04-11-2013 02:42 PM
Hello, Wire_Warrior!
Thank you for the quick answer.
I have a HMI that has a Main VI with 3 buttons (process A, process B and process C). Each button call the process (process_A.vi, i.ex.) one at a time.
Each process VI has many controls like numeric controls, numeric indicators, gauges, and inputs and outputs of my cRIO.
What I'd like to do is build a VI where each process button loading its respective controls.
Is that possible?
Thank you again!