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How to use LabVIEW code in a Thesis?



If I write some code, for example, in MATLAB or C++, that I want to include in my thesis as part of a discussion or in the Appendix, it's a fairly straightforward process: copy/paste


However, this isn't really an option for LabVIEW code. Even a screen cap wouldn't work very well - especially for situations with case structures or nested SubVIs.


I was wondering if anybody has any thoughts as to a good way to show / convey some of the work done in LabVIEW in a situation like this?

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Message 1 of 4

You should use the print functionality built into LabVIEW.


From your top level VI select the File >> Print... menu item and the print wizard will open. If you want to print complete documentation for your application select the Multiple VIs radio button and follow the prompts. At the window labeled Destination you select what type of output you want generated. HTML file will create am HTML document with images of your block diagram and front panel. Be sure to create a folder for the output as LabVIEW creates image files that are embedded in the HTML.


Once you have generated your output drop it into your thesis.


Have fun.

David C
Message 2 of 4

You can also highlight an area of your code you'd like to include and select Edit -> Create VI Snippet from Selection, which will give you a better resolution image of just that section of the code.  It's what you'll see commonly used in community examples and some forum posts, and although it won't work for nested structures it's probably the best way to capture important sections of code.


As far as a higher level view, probably the best you can do is go to View -> VI Heirarcy and get a tree diagram of all the VIs used/referenced in your project or application, and then print that to HTML like David suggested.


Hope this helps!

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Message 3 of 4

@Robber_Tom wrote:



I was wondering if anybody has any thoughts as to a good way to show / convey some of the work done in LabVIEW in a situation like this?

A former co worker of mine had a 50 page thesis, with 30 pages of print screen source code.  In my opinion LabVIEW source shouldn't be in a thesis, and for that reason I didn't have any in mine.

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Message 4 of 4