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I've "lost" my IMAQdx functions!

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I have a routine I developed using IMAQdx.  I recently wanted to do some additional IMAQdx work, but discovered that the IMAQdx Palette is almost empty -- its only contents are a Property Node and an IMAQdx Low-Level sub-Palette containing only Register for Events.  There are, however, plenty of functions in the IMAQ Palette.


However, they are the "wrong" functions.  Below is the (now-missing) IMAQdx Open Camera function from my earlier program, and beside it is the nearest-looking function I can find in the IMAQ palette -- they are definitely different.


I'm not sure when the IMAQdx functions "disappeared" from my LabVIEW 2012 palette.  I have LabVIEW 2011 (SP1), 2012 (SP1), 2013 (SP1), and 2014 (not yet SP1) installed, and none of these have the missing IMAQdx functions.  I just tried to reinstall the Device Drivers, using the August 2014 distribution.  I'm running LabVIEW Real-Time, so I have the RT functions also installed.  I did not install the RIO drivers.  I recall (probably two years ago when I installed the 2012 drivers) that I installed IMAQdx, but did not install IMAQ drivers, and that worked.  I also did not install any of the "reconfigurable I/O" devices (RIOs, FlexRIOs, etc.) -- this time, I noticed that if I tried to not install FlexRIO on the Real-Time side, it removed the IMAQdx drivers!


So my most recent attempt was to install IMAQ, IMAQdx, and RT FlexRIO, but still no luck.  What's the "trick"?  Are the LabVIEW 2014 (August 2014) Drivers doing funny things to my IMAQdx devices?  Is this a Bug or a Feature?



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Message 1 of 4

Forgot to attach the snippet ---

IMAQ problem.png


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Message 2 of 4

Hello Bob,


Have you tried to do the repair of the Acquisition Software 2014, but making sure to include the support for 2012 and all the other versions too?


Why is the IMAQ or IMAQdx Function Palette Missing in LabVIEW?




>>Daniel C.

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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author Bob_Schor

Thank you for the suggestion.  I did, indeed, reinstall the software (on two separate machines), and also reinstalled the Drivers.


I have just found and fixed the problem.  At some point (possibly while an Update was being installed), NI set my license back to "Needs Activation", without telling me.  The way I discovered this was to open LabVIEW, look at Tools/Advanced/Edit Palette Set, look at the Vision/Motion, click on IMAQdx, and notice all of the Icons I expected to see had an ugly Red Note on the bottom that I figured out meant that it hadn't been Activated (even though it had, when first installed).


So I went to License Manager, found that the last two entries, Vision Acquisition Software August 2014 and Vision Development Module 2014 showed "Not Activated".  They activated without fuss, and after a reboot, all of my IMAQdx Icons returns (for all of my LabVIEW versions from 2011 through 2014).


Bob Schor

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