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I can't find the MATLAB script node in labview

We are using a MAC G4 with OS 9. We also have labview 5.1. I have looked under Mathematic>>Fomula in the tools palette and I cannot find the MATLAB script node.
Is there an extra download that I need to get this MATLAB script node?
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Message 1 of 4
The HIQ and MATLAB script nodes are only available in the full and professional development systems. If you have one of these versions, these nodes should be under the Mathematics>>Formula palette.

If you have the base package of LabVIEW, you will not have access to these script nodes. Details about which options are included in which development packages can be found at:
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Message 2 of 4
MATLAB script node is available only for Windows platforms.
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Message 3 of 4
If MATLAB scriot nodes are only avaiable in Windows fromat then how do you intergrate MATLAB code with LABVIEW?
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Message 4 of 4