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How to Save a multicolumn listbox Data to Excel File

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Hi GerdW,


Thanks for the answer, maybe I dont explain myself correctly, what my program is doing is comparing 2 different tables and settings colors anytime that a difference is found. So the main VI returns a MCLB with the 2 tables and the colors already in place. 

That is the table that I want to export to excel incluiding the format. at the RGT I just found some functions to set colors at excel but I need to specify where, so my previous logic that already put the format will be lost.

Is there a way to export the MCLB exactly as I have it in labview?


0 Kudos
Message 11 of 15



Is there a way to export the MCLB exactly as I have it in labview?

Yes, there is a way…


1. Read the MCLB data using it's property nodes.

2. Read the MCLB color settings for each cell using it's property nodes.

3. Write the data to an Excel sheet using RGT functions.

4. Set Excel cell formats (colors) using RGT functions.


at the RGT I just found some functions to set colors at excel but I need to specify where,

You know those positions (aka cell location) as you know the corresponding MCLB row/column positions.

(Maybe it would help when your comparison algorithm would output its results in arrays. You  might still use a MCLB for displaying those results to the user. Keep in mind: "The data structures used in your program shouldn't be dictated by the UI representation"!)

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 12 of 15

Hello guys,

I am also facing the same problem regarding the multicolumn Listbox. I want to write multicolumn Listbox data to the excel file. Can you please help me to solve this problem? I have also attached my LabVIEW vi photo below. Kindly verify and let me know if any corrections required. 

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Message 13 of 15

You should have attached the actual VI also, not just pictures.


You haven't stated what your problem is.  If it is the same as some other message in the thread, state which one, and why trying the solutions presented did not work for you.

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Message 14 of 15

Thanks for your help. But that problem was solved. 

I face another problem in report generation using excel. I want to export the graph which has one X-axis (Time[sec]) and four Y-axis (Force[N], Torque[N.m], position [mm], Speed [RPM]. Can I export it in excel using report generation toolkit?

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Message 15 of 15