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How to Reset the graph after one task??

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I am using producer consumer event structure for my problem, in that case everything is working good but I am facing problem after performing one operation that when I press RUN again after competing one operation  graph in not reset properly its also display old measurement simultaneously.

I want to reset it completly and want to display reading for new task only.


Even in file which is saved after performing one task is also has some problem that I its save data two time in same file that I don't want.

How to solve this problem please guide me.


Thank you very much.


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Message 1 of 12

Use invoke node - Reinitialize to default.

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Message 2 of 12

thank you very much for help.

how to use that invoke node...means where to set it. 

i tried with that but i dont know where to set that block.


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Message 3 of 12

Just before you want to reset the graph. See first you will pass the data then after it will plot then before next time passing the data use this invoke node.


Hope this is clear. Let me know if you need more explanation or VI.



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Message 4 of 12

I am attaching one VI for demo only. Let me know if you need any help on that.



Kudos are always welcome if you got solution to some extent.

I need my difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy my success.
Message 5 of 12
Accepted by topic author AnkitRamani

He is asking for something much simpler, his problem is not the graph itself - he's just not reinitializing (empty) array at the start of every "default" case.  That's all he needs to do, attached is the modified vi.


AnkitRamani - as I mentioned in another thread, you should clean up your programming (small steps at a time) - functionality of your code is made quite awkward, you can do this all in a much smaller cleaner LabVIEW code even if you review and learn from some of the relevant examples.





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Message 6 of 12

Thank you very much.

But still I am getting same problem.

I tried it by setting to initial case and also before graph, but its seems same result.


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Message 7 of 12

You tried the vi I modified for you? It seems to do the job on my computer... graph gets cleaned up and no left-over data in data output file either.




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Message 8 of 12

Thank you very much.

Its working good.

Any ways because of lack of basic knowledge I am facing this type of problems.

Now I am trying to clean up my that vi, hope I will do it.

Any ways thank you very much once again for help.

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Message 9 of 12

@BTC_Admin wrote:

He is asking for something much simpler, his problem is not the graph itself - he's just not reinitializing (empty) array at the start of every "default" case.  That's all he needs to do, attached is the modified vi.



He needs to clear the graph so that he can plot the next data on graph. What other solution you do for that ?

Kudos are always welcome if you got solution to some extent.

I need my difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy my success.
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Message 10 of 12