That's a really excellent summary from cbutcher in msg #6! I hope a lot of DAQ users find and read it. If so, it's worth making one little arguably nit-picking correction in reference to configuring DAQmx Timing:
- Reading:
- In Continuous mode, the number of samples controls the buffer size
Actually, in when DAQmx Timing is set to Continuous mode, DAQmx auto-sizes the buffer by default based on the specified sample rate. (A manual override is still possible however.)
(Note: endpoints of sample rate ranges are ambiguous in the table. From experience getting burned in some inherited code, I can vouch for the fact that a sample rate of 10kHz makes a buffer size of 10k samples not 100k.)
(FWIW, I have a vague memory that DAQmx may not have always done auto-sizing this way. I think there was a time it compared what you wired and what the auto-size table suggested and used whatever was larger. Longer ago it may not have done auto-sizing at all, though it would have been hard to notice in well-written code.)
-Kevin P
P.S. Did a quick test with a simulated device. It appears that DAQmx still *does* in fact use the larger of {what you wire, what the auto-size table suggests}. So the linked article is also not entirely correct, and if you wire in a large enough buffer size, DAQmx Timing *will* honor it.
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