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How do I put my graph in a different window than my front panel controls?

The need for this is because I want to resize the graph to take up more of the screen in different resolutions, but when I resize the window the text on the front panel does not resize correctly and everything gets out of place.  If I could have the controls in one window and the graph in another window then I can resize that window and leave the other one alone.  I'm sure this has got to be possible I just dont know how to do it.  Any assistance would be appreciated.
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Message 1 of 5
The best approach would be to keep your graph in a sub VI and pass data to it using Notifiers. Inside this sub VI, you can manually or programatically resize your graph
Using Notifiers ensures that data generated in your Main VI and the data plotted on your graph( in sub VI) are synchronised
Have a look at this example VI. Find Examples>>Optimizing applications>> General>>Synchronizing tasks>>Pass Data with
Any doubts, do get back

Message Edited by devchander on 08-17-2006 11:10 PM

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Message 2 of 5

Hi JHttn,

      My first approach would be to follow Devchander's advice and try to accomplish this through Graph properties, but in case it helps, with LabVIEW 7.? came a nice "floating" FP option that keeps a VI on top, while allowing access to controls on over-layed panels - so if you had a graph-only VI floating above, you could make it look like part of an underlying window - with access to those controls; however...

I'm curious (and a bit slow) - how will it help to have two Front-panels when the monitor resolution changes?  Is it to let you resize the controls-text independent of the Graph?


Message Edited by tbd on 08-18-2006 12:08 AM

"Inside every large program is a small program struggling to get out." (attributed to Tony Hoare)
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Message 3 of 5
I want to be able to make the graph take up the whole screen regardless of the resolution.  If I have the graph itself in a different window I can resize it as needed and not have to resize the controls, just alt+tab to them as needed.
Thanks for the advice.  I'll try the notifiers, but that seems like a complicated way to do what I assumed would be simple.  Of course I have not been using LabVIEW for very long and it might be easy to anyone else.
Could you explain the "floating" FP a little more.  I don't quite understand.
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Message 4 of 5

Hi JHttn,

For a simple application, I would use a single VI for everything (no notifiers) and use the Graph's properties to size the VI's front panel and graph for the current display.

>      I want to be able to make the graph take up the whole screen regardless of the resolution

Well, a VI can be configured - through it's properties - to to automatically size to screen, but I think you'll need to resize the graph programmatically.

>      Could you explain the "floating" FP a little more.

Attached is a VI that will give you the current display resolution.  In case it's useful, the example has its Front Panel "Behaviour property set to "Floating" - just run it with at least one other VI - notice it stays on top, but other panels & controls are still acessible?  It also shows how a chart can have it's plot-area resized programmatically.

Hope it help!


"Inside every large program is a small program struggling to get out." (attributed to Tony Hoare)
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