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How do I add an icon to my executable?

I am running Labview 7.1 with Application Builder. How can I customise the icon that is viewed when I look at the file with windows Explorer?

I would like to have my own icon rather than the Labview default.


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 31
Hi Richard,

Within the Application Builder dialog window is a tab called Application Settings.

Select this and you will find a control which you enable to allow adding of a icon file.

Then all you need a package to allow you to create icon files. There's plenty available on the internet.
If you have access to CVI, then there is an icon editor as part of the CVI cd.

Ray Farmer
Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 31
Thanks. I seem to have a slight problem though. I have designed my icon and created 16x16 and 32x32 bit versions at 1 and 4 bit colour resolution and saved them in a .ico file. However, when I try to load the icon into the application builder, I get the error

Error 4 occurred at Read File in Read BMP>Read Icons from ICO>Read Icons for>Dist Call Get>Build

Labview: End Of File Encountered.

What have I done wrong? I am using Labview 7.1 Full Development System - Prof

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 31
As far as I know. The Icon File should have four Pages.
32x32 at 16 color or 4bit depth
32x32 at 2 color or 1 bit depth
16x16 at 16 color or 4bit depth
16x16 at 2 color or 1bit depth

If you have at least these as part of your .ico file, I think you should not have any problem

Good Luck!!

Good Luck!

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 31
Here is my test icon file.

I created multiple icons just in case, but I still get

Error 4 occurred at Read File in Read BMP>Read Icons from ICO>Read Icons for>Dist Call Get>Build
Labview: End Of File Encountered.

Maybe it's my icon editor... I'm using Conware's IconArt which I downloaded from Tucows. What are you using?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 31
Hi Richard,

I have attached your icon file. There was some un-support images. So I have resaved using the CVI icon editor and used it in a CVI exe with out any problems.

Ray Farmer
Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 31
Do I have the CVI editor or what do I need to get it. When I look at your icons with two different icon editors, the single bit icon has black, white and grey pixels..... Obviously Labview does not use standard icons 😞

I've tried looking through Labview's Help and Bookshelf, but the only reference to icons is for the standard vi icon editor. The only mention of the word icon in the Application Builder User Guide is "click on the icon to run Application Builder".

Labview Help:
Icon path—Windows Path to the custom icon to use for the application.

Maybe somebody from NI reads this forum and can supply an answer. It is pathetic that the Application Builder does not come with a icon editor that works. This should be a simple task and should not consume hours of valuable time.

0/10 for delivery NI...

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 31
Hi R Hibbert,

LabWindows/CVI is a text programming environment created by NI. Just like LabVIEW, there is an Application Builder that allows you to build EXEs, DLLs, etc. However, unlike LabVIEW, in CVI there is a built-in icon editor. LabVIEW only gives you the ability to use your already exiting .ico file. The KB below explains this:

I agree with you that it would be nice if LabVIEW also included an icon editor. I will make a product suggestion on this. If you would like to do so also, I would suggest doing so at the following link:

Hope this helps,

Travis H.
National Instruments
Travis H.
National Instruments
Message 8 of 31
I paid $1500 for the upgrade to get the Application Builder. I think it is extremely poor that there is no icon editor included as custom icons are a standard feature.

I revert to my original question, How do I create custom icons? The icon editors Ihave downloaded are obviously incompatible. What icon editor do you recommend?

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 31
Hi R Hibbert,

Like I said in my previous post, I agree with you that LabVIEW should include an Icon Editor. But currently it does not. So, I just went to and searched for "icon editor." I downloaded Microangelo (21 day evaluation period) and created an ICO file that has 4 icons associated with it (32x32 16 color, 32x32 monocolor, 16x16 16 color, 16x16 monocolor). I built an application and specified this as my icon and everything seemed to work just fine.

I'm attaching my ICO file to this post just in case you want to test it out.

Hope this helps!

Travis H.
National Instruments
Travis H.
National Instruments
Message 10 of 31