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How can while loops plot graphical data at the same time?


I currently have three While Loops in my VI, one of them is controlling an Arduino for RPM control which it seems to be working fine. The other 2 Loops are calculating mean Pressure and Torque coefficient. Im having an issue in my front VI: The data is being graphically displayed but when I run the VI it only displays data for Pressure but not Torque. The Arduino and Pressure Loop are working but there seems to be a lag time or something that its not letting the Pressure and Torque loop to run at the same time in real time. The Torque graphs displays the x-axis but there is no amplitude. It seems that is waiting for the pressure loop interactions to happen before starting Torque calculations. How can I have both loops run and be able to display both graphs?


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Message 1 of 2

Hi Spartan,


you probably con combine those two DAQ assistents into one that will output values for both channels. (Didn't bother to open those ExpressVIs because I don't have any hardware available...)


When you're at it:

- you could use the clean up tool...

- you could greatly reduce those math calculations: simply combine all those constant operations into just one operation (no need to multiply with constant1, followed by multiplication with constant2, followed by constant3 and so on.)

- after combining those two DAQ assistents you can also combine the content of those two loops into one, reducing the need for local variables...

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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