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How can I diagnose a Labview RT program crash on cRIO 9073?

When I do this on the newer (crashing) cRIO, MAX reports:

     Version  on the remote target:   2.4 

     Available version on the host: -----

     There is no update available.


When I do this on the older (functioning) cRIO, Max reports the version as 2.5.


Is it possible to upgrade the newer, crashing cRIO BIOS to version 2.5?

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Message 11 of 12



Field BIOS updates are supported by NI, however they are possible. With this in mind, please re-post if you would still like to proceed the with the update.

After reviewing all the information on this post, would you mind confirming and providing the missing information about your system?:

LV: LV FPGA 2009 SP1
Hardware: cRIO 9073
PC Operating system: ?
RIO driver: ?

Have you tried updating your cRIO drivers on your PC and cRIO? The current RIO drivers are revved at 3.6. Below is a link to the drivers:

RIO drivers,ssnav:sup/q/RIO/

Go to if the link above does not work.


National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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Message 12 of 12