When i open it in a notepad it gives me something as you can see in the screenshots.
The HBM Perception Native Recording File, or PNRF, stores multiple channels of data generated by a variety of data acquisition systems in binary form. The file format was designed to efficiently store multi-channel data records.
Here's what i found in the manual:
In general data (or waveforms) of multiple sources is stored within a single file.
All HBM Genesis HighSpeed equipment/software uses the concept of a
recorder. A recorder can have one or more channels that acquire data. All
channels within a single recorder have the same timebase settings: sample
rate, recording length and trigger parameters. As an extension to this concept,
groups are used to combine various channels into a logical configuration. This
does not alter the arrangement of the channels within the recorders.
Therefore, within a PNRF recording file, information and properties is stored
as part of groups, recorders and channels. Within this document we will only
describe the use of recorders and channels.
A recording can be a single continuous acquisition, a collection of acquisition
sections (sweeps) or a combination of both.
An important concept within the PNRF file is the concept of a segment: a
portion of the data that spans a time interval in which the timebase (x-axis
information) as well as the amplifier (y-axis information) remain stable, i.e. there
are no changes. A segment is a self-contained piece of recorded waveform
Within a recording there can be 0 (zero), 1 or more segments, Zero being no
data. To retrieve data from a recording, you need to specify the start and end
time of the data that you want to retrieve.