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Help with array and case


I got a task for classes and I have a huge problem with it.

Write a program that:
- It has two arrays of type int,
- Creates a third array, each element of which is the sum of elements of input arrays with the same index,
- if the calculated result is negative, add 5

Tip: use the case

I am just starting to learn in this programming environment and it is very difficult for me.
Would anyone be able to help me?

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

What have you tried so far? What did you learn in class about arrays? Have you read the material that was assigned? This is a pretty detailed, straight-forward problem. I'm not sure what "help" someone is going to be since doing your homework for you is not helping you. 

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

What you are loking to do is very simple. You need to take some time and learn LabVIEW. Here are some links that will get you started:


Good Luck

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

Like johntrich said, this is quite well described as problems go.

Have you been able to create your two arrays and then add them?

Can you populate an array indicator with the sum of the first two, with the expected results?


As a side note (and probably not what you should be considering for this homework problem): is it possible to do this without iterating over the elements when adding the 5? I can't mentally picture if there's a way to conditionally add values based on e.g. an array of booleans... Perhaps boolean to 0,1, then multiplication, then addition? Hmm...

Edit: yes. That works.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

I have big problem with case selector. When I join int to make it work at all, the program sums up what it takes but does not add 5 if the result is negative. 

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Message 5 of 8

@wojtekmkr wrote:

I have big problem with case selector. When I join int to make it work at all, the program sums up what it takes but does not add 5 if the result is negative. 

The probably intended solution likely involves a For loop and indexing tunnels.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

A ternary operator in an expression node would eliminate the need for a for loop, a case structure, a selector, and boolean conversion.



 "x<0 ? x+5: x"

Probably not the intent of the excersise though 😊.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

@wojtekmkr wrote:

Tip: use the case

Step 1: ignore "tips". 😄






Of course you won't be learning about case structures and loops and such, so don't submit that as solution! 😄

You can still use it to verify correct operation of your solution...

Step 2: Go over your class notes to see how to use a case structure correctly. 😉

Message 8 of 8