02-10-2011 12:36 PM
Hello, I want to set up 20 independent test all controlled from one VI. I want to have the information feed back to the main VI in real time. I also want to have each test on its own timer with separate start and stop.
I want to use a HP 34970 to control relays and take voltage and current measurement through out a charge and discharge cycle. One 34970 can support 20 sets of these measurement. I want to take a measurement from each set every minute or so over the hour period of the test. I need to pass a Start, and Stop Boolean, and two strings or numbers from the subvi's to the main for each of the 20 sets.
I have looked at passing information in a cluster but I need to know if the only way is to create a refnum of each element in the cluster, bundle them into a cluster and pass it into the subvi, or if there is an easier way.
I think I need to use semaphores but am not clear if notifiers would be more efficient.
I think a while loop with a timer for both charge and discharge will work best as it can run continuously and after the time is reached it will exit the loop and go to the next step without monopolizing the CPU.
Please give me any ideas and help me find the best way to make this work.