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From 11:00 PM CST Friday, Feb 14th - 6:30 PM CST Saturday, Feb 15th, will undergo system upgrades that may result in temporary service interruption.
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02-15-2016 02:03 PM
@1abvi3w wrote:I have already had a similar issue where there was a weird hidden character at the beginning of my file (not even shown by notepad++), before the first bracket so labview could not detect the first bracket at the beginning of a line. and everthing was messed up like you describe.
Sounds similar to this: Config file "byte order mark"
02-15-2016 02:25 PM
Looking at Ironman_s post history he seems to be a guy going easily off. I get the impression he really is forced to use LabVIEW even though he doesn't like it…
But then his wording reminds you on those presidential campaigns - and even I (living in good old Europe) get an impression of what's going on in the States! 😄
02-16-2016 01:19 AM - edited 02-16-2016 01:20 AM
Ok, good morning guys
Why do you post on this forum? You make noise.
I know why: you just post in order to increment your post count, don't you? maybe you are paid by the number of daily posts, with bonus at 5k, 10k, etc...
I clearly mentioned the LV version, and what the BUG is, and what the VI is.
You just replied bs.
Thank you! lol
2) MY INI IS FORMATTED CORRECTLY. it is NOT stated ANYWHERE that and INI MUST have a first section comment.
for example:
[Hi there]
[retarded american software programmer]
what is the EXPECTED output of this INI file?
CORRECT: ["Hi there","retarded american software programmer"]
ACTUAL: ["retarded american software programmer"]
another perfect valid example of INI file:
[mono section]
CORRECT: ["mono section"]
ACTUAL: [] (empty array!!!!!!!!! LOOOOOL)
this is because the monkey coder inside NI decided that "the first section is a comment" (it's written on your source code)
THIS IS THE QUALITY OF NATIONAL INSTRUMENT CODER AND SOFTWARE LIBRARIES. this is the second time that NI shipped a BUGGED vi in LV2015 vs 2014 (the other case is the open pdf with browser url)
PRINT MORE DOLLARS! 2000->2008-2016 is coming! tic toc tic toc
02-16-2016 01:40 AM - edited 02-16-2016 01:42 AM
Hi Ironman,
you have been ask to provide your INI file (or a qualified example file) - several times.
And you should provide a VI that demonstrates the problem.
All we get from you is rude behaviour…
When nobody else encounters this problem it is a valid assumption to say the problem is with your INI file!
02-16-2016 01:41 AM
02-16-2016 01:53 AM - edited 02-16-2016 02:05 AM
While you may have fixed it for your "special", ill-formatted ini file, you probably broke it now for all regular ini files. That's not a viable solution. If you still think there is a real bug in the production VI or documentation, please file a bug report, get a CAR#, and then post a summary here. Keep it to one short paragraph. No wandering off about your world views.
Instead of complaining about the quality of the community here, actively participate and try to improve it. remember (paraphrasing JFK): "Ask not what your community can do for you, ask what you can do for your community". Be part of the solution!
Now all you need is a new keyboard. It seems your caps-lock key gets stuck once in a while. Maybe you spilled some sugary soda and it got sticky. Good luck with that.
02-16-2016 03:21 AM
While Ironman indeed breaks lots of netiquettes (which is bad), i took the time to make a small test using LV 2015. I cannot see any issue which he describes in his obnoxious wording.
@Ironman: Can you please verify that the attached code works? Best extract the ZIP in a folder called c:\temp\lv\. If not, you have to update the path constant in the VI.
02-16-2016 04:55 AM
Is the array showing your results set to Index "1" perhaps, thus meaning that you simply don't see the first element?
02-16-2016 05:24 AM - edited 02-16-2016 05:25 AM
@Ironman_ wrote:2) MY INI IS FORMATTED CORRECTLY. it is NOT stated ANYWHERE that and INI MUST have a first section comment.
for example:
[Hi there]
[retarded american software programmer]
what is the EXPECTED output of this INI file?
CORRECT: ["Hi there","retarded american software programmer"]
ACTUAL: ["retarded american software programmer"]
That's not what I'm getting. Again, perhaps you should post your actual INI file.
02-16-2016 05:54 AM - edited 02-16-2016 05:55 AM
@Norbert_B wrote:While Ironman indeed breaks lots of netiquettes (which is bad), i took the time to make a small test using LV 2015. I cannot see any issue which he describes in his obnoxious wording.
@Ironman: Can you please verify that the attached code works? Best extract the ZIP in a folder called c:\temp\lv\. If not, you have to update the path constant in the VI.
I didn't go to those trouble of testing specifically since I use those functions in just about every application I write and never encountered anything that even remotely resembles the behaviour of the OP. That together with the more than rude post and completely unfounded accusations disqualified the entire post fully and immediately for me.