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Getting an error after Migrating Inspection from NI Vision Builder AI to LabVIEW

Hi everybody.


I'm pretty new to LabVIEW. After creating an inspection on the Vision Builder AI application, I migrated it to LabVIEW to add additional functionality to make it work with different components.


When I try to run the main VI file in the project, I get an error as given below:

Error -1074395995 occurred at IMAQ ReadImageAndVisionInfo
Possible reason(s):
File not found.


I don't know what causes it but it looks like it happens because of the image acquisiton device I'm using.
Is there any possible solutions for this? I couldn't work around on it because there are VI's inside of other VI's. It's pretty complex for me to just look for the error.


I'm using LabVIEW 2020 SP1 f1 (64-bit) and Vision Builder AI 2020 ver 20.5.0 (64-bit)


Screenshots of the error are given below for  further understanding of the problem. For specific reasons, I can't attach the project files for now but if you want to, I can post it after.
Thank you in advance...

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