This is a vastly over-simplified explanation of XML and your XML fragment, but should help you get started in "looking at" the full file.
XML, like HTML, uses <TAG>contents<\TAG> to surround text "contents" with begin/end Tags that say "what they are".
The first XML tag is <LVDATA>, and the last one is <\LVDATA>. Everything in between is "LabVIEW Data" (whatever that is).
The first (and only!) item in LVDATA is a <String> (until <\String>). It has a <Name> (url). It also has a <Val> which appears to be HTML. Of course, HTML uses "<" and ">" as begin/end pairs, so this XML parser has replaced them with "<" and ">", and I'm uncertain if the semicolon is part of the substitute HTML tag or not. I'm not "up" on my HTML, so I'm not sure what a "td" is, but I see something that looks like Temp2, 50.00, 27.39, and °C, which I assume are data columns. Just below that line is something with bgcolor="#00FF00" followed by the string "Basket up".
So this appears to be an HTML string, perhaps named "url", whose value is a lot of what looks like HTML "code".
Hope this helps.
Bob Schor