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Generic File I/O error when deploying

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Hi ,


I have a LabVIEW RT application that I am developing on a RT PXI system. The code is running fine on the RT target. However, when I try to build an application, and deploy it, the deployment generates this error :

Deploying VDW_1V(failed to deploy)
LabVIEW:  Generic file I/O error.


Strange thing is :

- I can run the code just fine (as source code)

- The code consists of a Main VI using 8 parallel subVI's. I only get the error when building the app with all parallel subVI's enabled. When I disable some VI's (with diagram disable structure), there is no error. However I cannot pinpoint

   1 bad VI : There is no error when using only the first 4 subVI's. But there is also no error when using only the other 4 VI's.

   It seems that there is only an error when all VI's are enabled.

- I have enabled debugging and checked/unchecked all available build-options.


Is there any way I can get more information about the deployment error?


HW :

- PXIe-1078 chassis

- PXIe-8135 controller

- PXI-8512 CAnbus card

- PXI-8531 CANOpen card

- PXI-6514 Digital I/O card

- 2x PXIe-8234 GigE Vision card


Software :

- LabVIEW 2013 SP1

- LabVIEW RT 2013.0.0

- Vision RT 15.0.0

- IMAQdx 14.5.0

- DAQmx 14.0.0


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Some more info :


Almost all combinations of disabling one of the parallel VI's works :

See schematic :



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Message 2 of 7


     When you say "Build an application and deploy it", I'm assuming that you mean build an .RTEXE for the PXI and deploy it to the PXI's disk, possibly to run as the Start-up VI.  You also say that if you diagram-disable some of your parallel VIs, the deployment is successful.


     This sounds slightly crazy to me, but is it possible that your PXI system is out of disk space?  Do you collect (and store) data on the PXI's disk drive?  Could it simply be a case that you are right on the edge of what wll "fit" on the disk?  


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

Hi Bob,


Thx for your suggestions. See comments below.


- When you say "Build an application and deploy it", I'm assuming that you mean build an .RTEXE for the PXI and deploy it to the PXI's disk, possibly to run as the Start-up VI.  You also say that if you diagram-disable some of your parallel VIs, the deployment is successful.

=> that is correct.


This sounds slightly crazy to me, but is it possible that your PXI system is out of disk space?  Do you collect (and store) data on the PXI's disk drive?  Could it simply be a case that you are right on the edge of what wll "fit" on the disk?

=> I've also checked this. I hardly store any data on the local PXI disk. More than 90% of HD still available. 


I've tried al possibilities that I can think of : installing all service packs  + patches (on host + RT), renaming VI's, making a new 'build definition'... None seem to work.

Grasping at straws here...




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Message 4 of 7
Accepted by topic author ThomasV

Solved the issue by upgrading to LabVIEW 2015 AND unchecking "allow debugging" in the RT build specification.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

Wow!  Do you think it really was a disk/memory "thing"?  It would be potentially instructive/interesting to compare the size of the built RTEXE file with and without Debugging ...


Bob Schor

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Message 6 of 7

Don't think it has to do with memory or disk limitations. I tried every combination in LV2013 and none of them worked.

I suspect that there is an undocumented fix in LabVIEW 2015 which resolves this specific issue.

I am quite certain that the issue is reproducable in LabVIEW 2013 because :

- we tried 2 hosts PC's (copied the entire project to another host) and this did not have any influence.

- I formatted the PXI Rt and did a clean install. Still the issue remained.


I could only fix it by upgrading to 2015.

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Message 7 of 7