03-01-2010 05:21 AM
ur enter key means '\n' at the end of each AT command i send to gsm modem right?
what means for and/or line string?
03-01-2010 05:25 AM
03-01-2010 12:34 PM
thank you very much.... i can send out sms through the gsm modem already...
but i still cannot read the message..... i suppose to list out all the message include the unread message.....
however there are only part of the sms are list out as shown......the unread message haven't list out.....
could you please help me again? Thank you
best regard
03-01-2010 12:44 PM
03-01-2010 12:56 PM
03-01-2010 03:48 PM - edited 03-01-2010 03:49 PM
03-01-2010 06:31 PM
The block diagram is shown as follow, actually i suppose to develop a software to turn on/off led by using sms....
for example, if the gsm received "LED1 0"means LED1 will off and "LED1 1"means LED1 will on....then first at all i need to read out the message receive by gsm first, am i correct? but i have no idea with how to list out the unread message....
03-02-2010 01:21 AM
For modem communication you do need to be a lot smarter than what you do in those diagrams. The data needs some time to arrive at the serial port of the device, so a fixed delay before determining what amount of data is at the receive buffer is a bad idea. Either you have to make that delay VERY long to make sure that even the longest response is captured completely but that causes unnecessary delays when receiving short responses, or you deploy a smarter solution.
I'm not going to give you the complete solution here, but one recommendation: Use VISA termination mode where you receive line after line of a response and look for characteristic patterns in that stream that indicate an end of response.
03-02-2010 01:21 AM
I have tried in this vi and the result as shown, could u please tell me what should i do?
thank you....
03-02-2010 01:35 AM
I have no idea with what u means that Use VISA termination mode where you receive line after line of a response and look for characteristic patterns in that stream that indicate an end of response. Could u provide me some example?
How can I list out the received sms of the gsm modem?
I can't read the message by now.........
best regard