04-18-2011 02:11 AM
Hi Everybody,
Thank you for all those clarifications.
I think the first aim of the post was to show that there were a "bug" in the CLD Training solutions.
I think people use those solutions to evaluate their own trainings (at least I did), and to find new (or better) implementations and tricks that they usually use.
Even if those solutions are taken from customer's examination solutions, I think Grading team should have a better look at it, and probably a little of rework before.
I had the exam two weeks ago, and I'm waiting for the results... And I'm really not confident about the outcome
Olivier L. | Certified LabVIEW Developer
04-20-2011 06:15 PM
05-18-2011 08:16 AM
Hello All,
Thanks for all the feedback on the sample ATM exam.
The sample ATM exam is a copy of a candidate's CLD submission and by no means this is the perfect solution - but it is a passing solution. In the candidate's evalaution, points were taken off for the making the VI re-entrant in addition to other minor issues.
I understand some people's passion in passing the failing verdict on the exam. But, we have to acknowledge, that there could be small but correctable shortcomings in the candidate's understanding. The exam's evaluation provided the feedback opportunity and the corrective learning experience.
As much as I would like to leave the sample solution as is, I also see the downside and (possible) associated risks. I will fix the solution and re-post today.
If you have any specific questions or comments. please email me at certification@ni.com
Zaki Chasmawala
Senior Engineer
National Instruments - Training & Certification
05-18-2011 09:06 AM
@zakic wrote:
Hello All,
Thanks for all the feedback on the sample ATM exam.
The sample ATM exam is a copy of a candidate's CLD submission and by no means this is the perfect solution - but it is a passing solution. In the candidate's evalaution, points were taken off for the making the VI re-entrant in addition to other minor issues.
I understand some people's passion in passing the failing verdict on the exam. But, we have to acknowledge, that there could be small but correctable shortcomings in the candidate's understanding. The exam's evaluation provided the feedback opportunity and the corrective learning experience.
As much as I would like to leave the sample solution as is, I also see the downside and (possible) associated risks. I will fix the solution and re-post today.
If you have any specific questions or comments. please email me at certification@ni.com
Zaki Chasmawala
Senior Engineer
National Instruments - Training & Certification
Thanks Zaki!
It's me again. Thanks for your active public support of the Certification program. You will add an asterisk and a link to this thread or a summary of such to help avoid an issue that drives me nuts that being "well I just coded it like the VI I downloaded from NI." I just want it to be clear that seeting it as reentrant was not correct and the only reason it worked was... fill in the blank.
again, Thank you!
05-19-2011 09:06 AM
@zakic wrote:
Hello All,
Thanks for all the feedback on the sample ATM exam.
The sample ATM exam is a copy of a candidate's CLD submission and by no means this is the perfect solution - but it is a passing solution. In the candidate's evalaution, points were taken off for the making the VI re-entrant in addition to other minor issues.
I understand some people's passion in passing the failing verdict on the exam. But, we have to acknowledge, that there could be small but correctable shortcomings in the candidate's understanding. The exam's evaluation provided the feedback opportunity and the corrective learning experience.
As much as I would like to leave the sample solution as is, I also see the downside and (possible) associated risks. I will fix the solution and re-post today.
If you have any specific questions or comments. please email me at certification@ni.com
Zaki Chasmawala
Senior Engineer
National Instruments - Training & Certification
Zaki - Brilliant IDEA-
Post the evaluation comments (sanitized of course) or a summary with comments. This would be a Serious Improvent and help CLD candidates learn more about what to expect.!