09-14-2012 08:55 AM
Got a problem with the deinstallation of Labviewer. I deployed Labviewer with all moduls using the setup.exe's and specfiles.
Installation worked fine and the software runs well.
But when I try to uninstall running "uninst.exe /log C:\temp\uninst.log /qb /x all"
It immediatly starts with an error stating "File not found RegDeleteKey" (see Attachment).
Judging by ProcMon and ProcessExplorer the Exception i caused from the nirg.exe.
If I click ok, the deinstallation goes on and finishes. Anyone an Idea on this topic?
Greetings, Alex
09-19-2012 12:37 AM
I'm not sure if I understand your problem correctly:
You try to uninstall, ten you get an error message, but when you click OK, it uninstalls normally? The way I understand it, everything should be OK, now?
To toubleshoot this further, please give me a short summary of your system:
OS, LabVIEW Versions, which Toolkits/Modules
best regards,
09-26-2012 03:09 AM
Yes that is excactly the problem.
The System is Windows 7 64Bit (Enterprise) and I used Labviewer 12. We installed all Modules from the 4 DVDs provided , as this was requested by the department which will use the software.
The error itself seems to be connected to the NIRG module. If I leave NIRG out from the installation, the deinstallation of all other modules works without an error.
Best Regards,
Alexander Jarke