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Fatal error occured during operation, closing connection



When trying to connect to a remote panel I get the message:


"Connecting to the remote panel server...

Fatal error occured during operation, closing connection"


I have succesfully accessed a remote panel using a seperate computer on the same network, but get this message when trying to connect with the same server address, port number and VI name from a different network.


Any ideas what might be going wrong?



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Message 1 of 6
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Message 2 of 6


I am facing same problem and even I am not getting able to access of remote VI on same network.

It given me same error as you got
"Fatal error occurred during operation, Closing connection" 

can you please share your experience doing it 

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

El error es por que la direccion ip de tu servidor no es la correcta, revisa bien tu ip en

y modifica tu pagina web, te aseguro que con esos cambios el problema se va a solucionar

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Message 4 of 6

Hi Jatin1489,


Thank you for your question.


I have got few suggestions for you:


1. Make sure that the server machine is configured properly:

   Navigate to Tools > Options > Web Server and select Enable Remote Panel Server.


2. Make sure that your VI and the remote VI are on the separate computers but under the same network.


It is worth trying the example which comes with LabVIEW (which is 100% working):


Go to Help -> Find Examples, select Browse according to: Task.

In the right window select Networking -> General -> Remote Panel Methods.lvproj


Run Server VI and Client VI on separate computers and follow the instructions on the front panel.


I hope that you will find this useful!


All the best,

 Navigate to Tools > Options > Web Server and select Enable Remote Panel Server.

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Message 5 of 6

Hi Max,


Can it be not the same network? as long as the client computer connected to the internet, can the remote panel be connected?


I have the same problem but the client computer run with company cable internet, while the server computer runs with wifi.


Thanks and waiting for reply,

Best regards,


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Message 6 of 6