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FPGA target. help with sbrio 9631

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I'm trying to connect to the analog i/o of my sbrio 9631. I am trying to follow this video  

at 37 seconds in, his project menu has two folders under fpga target call anolg input and analog output. When I look at my project menu I dont have those folders. the only folder under fpga target for me is onboard i/o. I am using the same sbRIO as in the video. Any ideas? the attached photos are of my project menu and his.

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Message 1 of 17

When creating I/O in your FPGA target you have the option of having the I/O nodes put in folders. You can also define your own virtual folders and put the I/O nodes in those. For my FPGA targets (PXI-RIO) it creates the folders based on connector. Either way, it's just a method for keeping your project organized.

Message 2 of 17

Can you explain this more in depth? thank you


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Message 3 of 17

Have you actually created any analog I/O nodes or are you concerned about duplicating the folders as in the tutorial?

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Message 4 of 17

Sorry, I am new to labview. how do i create an analog I/O node? and what does that do?


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Message 5 of 17

Your initial post said you wanted to connect to the analog I/O of your device. I've not used this particular product but it should be the same as any other target device. To create an analog I/O node you would right click on the FPGA target and choose "New...I/O" or very similar. You should be presented with a dialog allowing you to choose either analog or digital I/O. In the tutorial, they have simply chosen all the analog channels available.

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Message 6 of 17

I did what you just said and this is what comes up. It says no resources available and it wont let me do anything

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Message 7 of 17

Then all the I/O has already been allocated and is probably in the "Onboard I/O" folder. Look in there for the I/O you want to use. Don't worry that it's not the same folder name as in the tutorial.

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Message 8 of 17

All of the I/O in the Onboard I/o folder is digital. There are no analog anywhere.

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Message 9 of 17

Ok, looks like you haven't added the C series devices to the FPGA target (NI 9205 and 9263), You see them as AIMOD and AOMOD under the FPGA target in the tutorial. Once those are added, you should then see analog channels show up when you do the "New...FPGA I/O".

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Message 10 of 17