Thanks for the guidance Jean-Pierre and Henrik!
I guess I was working too many hours straight when I came across this
problem, because I completely misread it, and then jotted off a post
before really seeing what I was looking at. Stupid me!
However, I strongly feel that the need to explicitly specify the
cluster size to convert to is a real LV deficiency. Given that I was
converting a constant array, LV had all the foreknowledge to size the
cluster automatically. LV usually handles polymorphism very smoothly,
so I feel that it should here as well.
As far as the case of converting an array control, well that's more
complicated since the size isn't known until run-time. In that case I
would say that you should have to do an explicit specification.
oper polymorphic sizing of converted clusters would be a great
feature in future revisions of LV. Is that too much to ask?