03-10-2021 04:17 PM
I would like to incorporate a thermal cycle progress bar into my UI. I have read through most of the discussions on progress bars but these seem to be just straight/flat bars.
I am looking to give a visual representation of which operation and how far along it is in each cycle. Basically, has anyone come up with a way to show progress on a bent slider?
Thank you!
03-10-2021 04:44 PM - edited 03-10-2021 05:24 PM
Create an XY graph. (A Waveform graph may work as well). Two series, one is grey and shows the whole pattern. The other is another color and shows the pattern only up to where you've progressed. If you set the order of the two series correctly, the one will overlap the other.
Another possibility, create a custom version of the slider that is particularly tall. Put an image in the customization that has a transparent window cut out in your pattern that overlays the progress bar. As the progress bar advances from left to right, only the part that can shine through the overlaid image will be visible and it should look like it is following the bent path.
(I'd try the first if it was my project.)
03-10-2021 05:22 PM
Thank you RavensFan.
Those are certainly two creative ways to accomplish it. The transparent cutout option is something I would have never thought of. I will see what I can do with those.