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Decoding NIST WWVB signals with LabVIEW

Hi All,


I was wondering if anyone had code for decoding the NIST WWVB signal from CO.  Wikipedia:


Sometimes this is incorrectly referred to as the atomic clock.


Since this is fairly old I figured there would be something on the forums but to my surprise nothing I could find.


This is for a specific application where I need a very low cost timing signal outside.  I have a receiver outputting the signal shown in the Wikipedia link above and access to LabVIEW I/O input DAQ, CRIO, sbRIO etc.





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Hi Simon,


I've been doing some digging, and was fairly surprised when I also came up empty-handed.  That being said, I think the simplest way to implement this would be to call a DLL using the call library function node.  If you do end up building this in LabVIEW, I'm sure that it would be well received on the developer community.

Tom L.
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Message 2 of 3

Interesting project!


I looks like a few people have tackled decoding the data (both WWV and WWVB) using reciever modules that create a digital signal stream and Arduinos to decode the data.


How about GPS based time? Here is reciever/decoder module that provides a decoded serial data stream:



"It’s the questions that drive us.”
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