I'm missing something- using either the template CLD timer or one from the forums I can't get them to work in applications. Generally either the elapsed time doesn't update, or when it does it is a huge number or at least doesn't start at zero.
I know it's not the timer itself, as even with the NI solution timer code I can't get it to work in my applications. But i can't place exactly what's being done differently in the solutions that means theirs work and mine don't. Presumably I'm missing something fundamental about how FGVs work/how threading works which is preventing me from implementing them correctly, but I'm at a loss for what it is.
2 examples. CLD 9 with diagram disabled structure including the three different timers. Works perfectly using the time elapsed express vi. But when I use the ni timer or my own timer it behaves strangely. I suspect think this has something to do with them needing to be reset to begin with?
CLD13 I thought it was me wiring the error in to the timer that was somehow upholding updating of the time elapsed, but since disconnecting it again nothing seems to have changed and the elapsed time isnt being updated. I'm requeuing 'check timer' so I feel the elapsed time should be updating each time this is called, but it's not. My code is quite different to the solution (misunderstood the reqs) so I've found it hard to compare what's going on with the timer.
Any advice would be much appreciated