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Darren's Weekly Nugget 07/26/2010

I wrote a nugget a while back about Place VI Contents VIs.  In that nugget thread, Jarrod S. posted a utility that was so cool, I'm writing a whole separate nugget about it today.  He posted a Quick Drop Keyboard Shortcut for automatically creating Place VI Contents VIs.  I created a document in the Quick Drop Enthusiasts group that contains his shortcut here:


Quick Drop Keyboard Shortcut - Create Place VI Contents VI (LabVIEW 2009 and later)


What Jarrod has done here is create a utility that makes it very easy to automatically create Place VI Contents VIs and have them immediately available on the palettes or in Quick Drop.  If you find yourself creating the same snippets of code over and over, or even using "Select a VI..." from the palettes or Quick Drop and picking the same VIs over and over, then you definitely need this utility.  All you need to do is select the part of your diagram that you want easy access to (even just a single VI), press Ctrl-Space-Ctrl-Shift-G, type a descriptive name of that code, and now you can drop that code selection directly from the palettes or Quick Drop.

Message 1 of 5

Thanks Darren for posting this!


One small optimization this tool has is that if you want to create the Place Contents VI snippet, but don't want to immediately update your palettes (which can take some time), you can just click Ctrl-Space--Ctrl-G (without the shift). This will create the VI and add it to the palette, but it won't show up until next time your launch LabVIEW or otherwise refresh your palette.

Jarrod S.
National Instruments
Message 2 of 5

Hi Darren,


great stuff! Thanks for that nugget ...!





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Message 3 of 5

I made a wrong vi as attached file. How can I remove or delete it? Thank you!

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Message 4 of 5

Manually delete the VI from your LabVIEW Data folder and use Tools->Advanced->Edit Palette Set to delete the icon from the menu.

You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are. ~ Alice
For he does not know what will happen; So who can tell him when it will occur? Eccl. 8:7

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