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Darren's Weekly Nugget 03/08/2010

A quick nugget today, since I've only got a few minutes between CLA Summit events.  During my presentation this afternoon, I found that several of the CLAs in the room had never heard of the Heap Peek window.  This is an internal LabVIEW feature that allows you to gain access to very detailed information having to do with how VIs are stored in memory.  The most common use for the Heap Peak window is to identify and correct insane objects in your VIs. 


To learn more about how to use the Heap Peek window, check out Bob Young's informative post here. One small correction to his information...if you are on Mac or Linux, you must use the INI token LVdebugKeys=True (note the capitalization).  A little mini-nugget:  capitalization does not matter for LabVIEW INI tokens on Windows, but it does on Mac and Linux.

Message 1 of 8

Darren wrote:

 The most common use for the Heap Peak window is to identify and correct insane objects in your VIs. 


What can we do about the insane objects that operate our VIs?


Message 2 of 8

Darin.K wrote:

Darren wrote:

 The most common use for the Heap Peak window is to identify and correct insane objects in your VIs. 


What can we do about the insane objects that operate our VIs?


Have you tried off loading them to a different customer support officer?
Message 3 of 8

Happy to See "Insane Object" being caged into Nugget.

All LabVIEW user should be aware of this Heap Peek window (LV RnD Window). Once I spent my day on this to figure out issue during building Exe.


Thanks Darren's 🙂




0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

This is an old thread, but... 


I tried the directions to get into the Heap Peek, but I couldn't get it to work until I found an explanation at, which said to press CTRL+SHIFT+D+H all at once instead of "Press CTRL+SHFT+d, then press CTRL+SHFT+h" in the linked post. 

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Message 5 of 8



That link you posted has no information on the page.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

Sorry, it got a comma into the link.  It should be

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

After I add this LVdebugKey, NXG button does not display correctly.  It often remain in the OffHover color (white by default).  Doesn't change color when hover or leave.


Take me a while to trace this down to the debug key.

Post it here to remind myself and anyone run into the same problem.


LabVIEW 2018 SP1 64bit on Windows 10 Pro.




George Zou
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Message 8 of 8