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DAQ input / output device compatibility.

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I am working on a college Mechatronics control project. As my Labview knowledge is basic I aim to make it as basic as possible. Plan is to control the irrigation of a house plant connecting a moisture sensor through DAQ to my VI and based on the moisture level output to a water pump to irrigate the plant in a controlled manner. I have watched different methods of doing this on the NI site and elsewhere. I'm still not sure how to do this but my alternatives are:


A. Purchase a DAQ and connect a moisture sensor in and pump out.


B. Use and Arduino, configure it in place of DAQ and configure it to a Labview VI.


Or is there another way which will work without costing a fortune? As cost is a concern I would prefer to but compatible refurbed or second hand hardware where possible.


My real questions are:


Can I see a list of hardware manufacturers for third part sensors, pumps etc that are compatible with a DAQ, either National Instruments or third party. 


Can you please recommend a website where I can purchase refurbed or second hand DAQs, either National Instruments or third party.


I don't want to buy hardware to find out later that it's not compatible.


Thanks in advance,




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Message 1 of 5
Accepted by topic author GreennRed

Most DAQs work on a -10V to +10V maximum scale.  Many will also work on smaller scales.  So you will just need to find a sensor that can output a voltage within the range.  You have similar requirements for the pump.


Once you find the sensor and pump, then we can start talking about what DAQ to buy.

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Message 2 of 5

Thanks Crossrulz. 



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Message 3 of 5

As you are a student in an Engineering Program, see if your department has any NI USB DAQ devices (USB-600x).  Alternatively, you should be able to purchase a myDAQ (student prices are surprisingly affordable, and some of the better Engineering programs require their student to purchase them -- it provides the students with their own Power Supply, Waveform Generator, Oscilloscope, VOM, etc. -- just add Laptop + LabVIEW.


Bob Schor

Message 4 of 5

Thanks Bob.


Good advice. I'm still undecided on DAQ v Arduino for my project and will use Labview for either, for my project. Ease of setting up will outweigh any saving on cost as I need time to concentrate on other subjects.





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