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Creating 3D waterfall graph with external data from excel


I want to creating a 3D waterfall graph with data from an excel document, but the result is not as expected. I create a labview program to take data from different excel sheets. Each sheet contains data for x, y and z axis for one measurement. I want to display data from five measurements to one single graph like in the attached image. How need i proceed?


Sorry for my english and thanks for the help!


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Message 1 of 6



after a first look it seems that the issue is that in the excel dokument there are cells that do not contain values - the column headers.

If you confine your import to skip these cells you will be one step further.

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Message 2 of 6


I put that header to show you what those data means. Before i run the program i delete that header because is not numerical format. After running the program it gives me this representation of data like in the picture and i don't know where i am wrong...

I remove the frequency data for Z axis because the program gives me a straight line if i let them there. I want to display mutiple trends on a single 3D graph like in the first picture.



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Message 3 of 6

your excel file is not clear at all:


how many waveforms does it contain? 5? 1?


e.g. one waveform with 6400 datapoints defined with three dimensions x,y,z?




A waterfall graph is just displaying several waveforms together like this ...






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Message 4 of 6

The excel contain one waveform with three dimensions x,y,z. Each sheet from excel contain datapoints for x, y and z axis. First sheet contains data for Z axis, next sheet for Y axis and the last one for X axis.

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Message 5 of 6

@cavili wrote:

The excel contain one waveform with three dimensions x,y,z. Each sheet from excel contain datapoints for x, y and z axis. First sheet contains data for Z axis, next sheet for Y axis and the last one for X axis.



I'd start to simplify the data.xlx to a csv gathered onto one page... 

 the x,y,z datapoints of one waveform will be scatter around the xyz volume if you interpret those columns as vectors


@cavili wrote:

I want to display mutiple trends on a single 3D graph like in the first picture.


how is your 3d data supposed to line up in a 1d waveform? along which axis?

what is a trend supposed to be?







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