Avatar: 1. - god appearing in an earthly body, incarnation (Hindu religion). 2. - a graphical icon that represent a real person in a cyberspace system. The term was popularized by Neal Stephenson in his novel "Snow Crash".
I bet wat what you thought! Hihihi .... amazingly!
Personally, I would have thought of the word "quit" in this sense as being more unusual. It's not really used in this form much any more, whereas "Avatar" has gained the new meaning you have outlined in yourmail.
Take a look at this package proposal: Asynchronous Call By Reference. It allows you to call a VI, by reference, but continue execution without waiting for it to finish running. It provides you with a reference, so that you can query the status of the call, and receive the return data once the call completes. Also, In order to run this you will also need some dependency packages which may be downloaded using OpenG Commander.