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Crash while creating a new cRIO FPGA Project

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When I want to create a new cRIO FPGA Project with the wizard, Labview freezes and crashes ("Labview 8.6 Development System had stopped working".) The wizard discovers my cRIO-9073 Integrated controller, but when it's trying to discover the CompactRIO chassis, the program freezes and automaticly shuts down.




In MAX, there is no problem in discovering the FPGA-chip in the cRIO-chassis (RIO0)..



I tried to use the new FPGA project wizard in Labview 8.5. While searching for the cRIO chassis, the program doesn't freeze, but says that the cRIO-chassis cannot be found..




When I manually want to select the chassis, I can only choose for the cRIO-9072 and cRIO-9074. There is no cRIO-9073-icon.. ?




What am I doing wrong, or is it a bug ?






Message Edited by Kennie87 on 02-16-2009 09:23 AM
Message Edited by Kennie87 on 02-16-2009 09:23 AM
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 18

Hi Kenneth,


It surely looks like a bug the crash you are running into. What version of Vista are you using? Do you have administrator privileges? What version of NI-RIO you have on the host (is it the same RIO 3.1 as the target)?


I can suggest a couple things for you to try out. Instead of using the cRIO FPGA Project wizard, have you tried adding the controller, chassis and modules directly from the LV Project? Right-click project tree's root item>>New>>Targets and Devices... You can try a combination of adding the controller by type followed by setting its IP address from its properties page, and then trying to discovery the chassis.


Please post back any other data points you might have.


BTW, the 9073 system started being supported by LV 8.6: 

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 18

Hi JMota,


Thanks for your quick reply.

I'm using Vista Home Premium SP1 32-bit. And I have admin privileges. I'm the only user of the computer.

I've installed NI-RIO 3.1 on the pc. So it's the same version as on the controller.


  • When I try to add the controller and chassis directly from the Project Explorer, then I have the same problem.

The program freezes while it's trying to discover the chassis..

I'm able to select the cRIO-9073..


But in the second step, the program freezes when it's trying to discover the chassis..


  • When I try your second method, the same problem occurs.

I manually selected the specific controller (RT CompactRIO target), with the chassis (cRIO-9073) and the integrated FPGA-chip (RIO0), and at last the NI-9472 DO-module in slot 1.

Then, I've changed the IP of the controller from into the IP assigned in MAX 192.1681.3.




When I click on connect (right-click RT CompactRIO target - connect), the same story.. Program freezes and eventually shuts down.


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 18

Not sure if it is good or bad, but at least the problem is consistent across multiple pieces of LabVIEW that try to connecto to the controller over the network.


At this point I would be suspicious of Vista and its Firewall (or some 3rd party Firewall you might have) not giving LabVIEW access to whatever ports LV needs to establish a connection with the target. I haven't used Vista much, but there should be a way to add a firewall exception for LabVIEW.exe (make sure it is for your LabVIEW 8.6).


Here are a couple things you can try. Start with an empty project, add an RT CompactRIO Target (9073) to the project by type (offline), configure the IP and try to Connect to it (do not add the chassis). If that crashes, then try the same thing, but this time try creating a Real-Time PXI target and give it the IP of the 9073.



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 18

I have Norton Internet Security 2009 on my computer. Windows Firewall is shut down.

Norton's firewall isn't blocking the program LV 8.6, so that couldn't be the problem.


I've tried to connect a RT CompactRIO target (9073) with the IP assigned in MAX, but LV froze. The same occurred with the RT PXI target.. LV froze completely.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 18

Hhmmm.  In the past I have been able to talk to a CompactRIO target from a Vista system and it worked fine, so my guess is that there is something special in your setup that is preventing LV from talking to the cRIO Target. I don't think I was using Vista Home Premium at the time though.


Here are other questions/things I can think of. What kind of network setup are you using? If you have multiple network adapters (e.g. wireless and cabled) on your host, have you tried disabling the one that is not used to talk to the cRIO Target? Any chance there are some other settings in Norton (or Vista) that could be causing this?  Can you try things out from a different host computer?


Not sure if this would be of any help, but I'm running out of ideas: since you already have LV 8.5 installed, try the same experiment of adding an RT PXI Target with the IP of the cRIO and try to connect to it. You should get a LV version mismatch and not a crash.


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 18

Hi Kenneth,


a shot in the dark:

If you have any vpn software on your system, check to ensure that stateful firewall is disabled !


It caused me days of grief!



Message 7 of 18

Hello Kennie,



I am a little confused when reading your post about the software versions you have.

The first screenshots show LabVIEW 8.6.  A later screenshot with the software on the RIO Controller show LabVIEW Real-Time 8.6.1.   In your first post your are also talking about LabVIEW 8.5.


I did a test as you did with the FPGA Project Wizard and in my case the cRIO-9073 is showing up correctly.


So please can you confirm that both on your Vista PC as on your cRIO controller, you have LabVIEW 8.6.1, LabVIEW Real-Time 8.6.1 and LabVIEW FPGA 8.6.1?

You already confirmed that you have NI-RIO 3.1 on both the PC as cRIO Controller.


Additionally, did you do any software upgrade on the cRIO-9073 Controller or is it in the state you ordered it?




Best regards,

National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 18

@ Jmota:

I'm using a simple, cabled LAN with one router here at home. At the moment, I'm not using a wireless connection between computer and router. I've disabled the wifi-adapter, but it doesn't have any effect on the problem. The problem still exists.

I also tried to disable the internet security (Norton 2009), but it also didn't solve the problem.

I'm the only one here with a computer with LV, so I can't try things out with another host pc.

I've tried to communicate between LV 8.5 and a RT PXI target with the IP of the 9073 cRIO, but LV froze.. and crashed.


@ xseadog:

I don't have any VPN-software here on my laptop. So I don't think that would cause the LV-crashes.

Although thanks for your idea !


@ Spacetron...:

I have two Labview versions on my computer, version 8.5 and 8.6. But both crash during the discovering of the cRIO 9073 FPGA chassis..

Currently I'm downloading NI-RIO version 3.0.1, which includes:

  • Support for LabVIEW 8.6
  • Support for LabVIEW Real-Time 8.6
  • Support for LabVIEW FPGA 8.6

I'll put this softwareversion on the controller,  so that the pc-version (LV 8.6) and controller-version (8.6) will match.

I hope this would solve the problem.

Thanks for your idea, and I'll keep you informed.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 18
Does anyone know how to install NI-RIO 3.0 while NI-RIO 3.1 is installed ? How can I undo the installation of the 3.1 version ?
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Message 10 of 18