01-02-2014 07:25 PM
As the title says, if you replace a Silver Style Combo Box by a String (same data type), things turn ugly:
Nothing of the sort happens with the other styles as can be seen above too.
01-03-2014 03:08 PM
Hi X
Yea I get the same behavior in 2012 and 2013. A workaround for this would be to replace the original control or indicator with a non-silver version of the control and then replace that control with the desired silver style control. This seems to work for me.
01-03-2014 03:27 PM - edited 01-03-2014 03:27 PM
Seems even the frameless String looses the drop-shadow effect.
(No X, I would not call that expected)
01-03-2014 06:35 PM
I wonder why I still bother to post this kind of things... I must be desperate for attention or something.