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Controlling simulated hardware

I am using a PCI 6229 card in a project. LV2012 on WIN 7 platform


However in the absence of the actual PC, when I continue coding on my laptop, i would like to test the code. The problem of course is the lack of the PCI-6229. Partly the problem is solved by generating a simulated PCI-6229 in MAX which allows me to launch the project without an error complaining about missing hardware.


But the simulated PCI-6229 goes thorugh its own cyclic simulation of AIs and DIs and this is not what I want. Is there any way I can take control over the simulated PCI-6229 and control it with virtual potentiometers / switches ? This way I can test the code offline before deploying.


Any ideas or third party software which can do this simulated check out ?

LabVIEW to Automate Hydraulic Test rigs.
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Message 1 of 4

The card puts out a signal.  That signal is a defined type.  Instead of putting together the DAQmx logic to acquire that signal, just create it yourself.  Then, feed that into your logic.  Why would that require third-party software?

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Message 2 of 4

@natasftw wrote:

The card puts out a signal.  That signal is a defined type.  Instead of putting together the DAQmx logic to acquire that signal, just create it yourself.  Then, feed that into your logic.  Why would that require third-party software?

Smiley Very Happy


Of course presently thats the way ( feeding the required data type identical to that put out by the card ) is the way I check now.


However if there was a way to control the behaviour of the Simulated DAQMx card, then i can also check out the final executable in my own laptop that does not have the physical HW.


I was looking for something on those lines...

LabVIEW to Automate Hydraulic Test rigs.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4
You are limited to the 1kHz sine wave with the simulated device.
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Message 4 of 4