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Controlling a generator with the arduino using Labview over the internet

I'm planning on using the arduino ( with GPRS/GSM shield) to interface  with a generator via RS485 where i can read its status as well as turn it on/off from a remote location. I want to read and log its status data on the GUI as well as have the option to send a signal to control the generator from the GUI as well.  So essentially I want the arduino to send data to some cloud storage, GUI pulls the data from the cloud and displays it and the GUI can also send a command through the cloud to the arduino to control the generator. Can i achieve this by building the GUI with Labview ,what cloud service (free if possible) can facilitate this interaction between the arduino & Labview . Or do you have any alternative solutions?

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Message 1 of 4

Hello kreiss12,


I have gone trough your question, and putting in other words, you would like to publish the data in the web and then retrieve it from the web as well.


In the following link you will the information regarding the Web-based communication with a LabVIEW application, which I think can satisfy your project needs by conductting application-to-application data exchange between numerous HTTP-capable devices and software from both National Instruments and third parties(NI, 2014):


This feature is available only in the LabVIEW Full Development System and the LabVIEW Professional Development System.


Let me know if this information helped you, have a nice day!!

Mauro Rodríguez
ELP - Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 3 of 4

i think I figured out an alternative method that would allow labview to communicate directly with the two arduino microcontrollers I'm using, without the need for the internet.  Its a program called 'LINX' by labview hacker (free) which integrates into lab view and sends/receives data to the arduino boards via serial communication. Since the microcontrollers would be in remote locations of the building, I decided on using xbee modules to boost the range so the local network (which has labview) would be able to interact with them. I also plan on making the labview program i created, a stand alone application and integrate it with dashboards so i could monitor the same parameters and also control the generator from a tablet or phone .

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Message 4 of 4