02-19-2013 05:30 AM
In one of my project i am using continuous data logging with tdms files
When i opened the file and started writing to the file , the memory of the file is showing as 0kb but at last when i close the file it is showing actual memory,
If i continuously run my application and write data to the tdms file with closing it for a long time, does my application get slows down. Due to the usage of temporary memory ?
02-19-2013 06:03 AM
when you use the "write to tdms" data is not actually written to disk at once, LabVIEW asks the OS to save the file and the OS will wait untill the write buffer gets to a certains size before actually writing on the disk, but you can also force the OS to write the data by using the fush. That doesn't mean that your file will be written only when the file is closed though.
I believe / hope that the OS will adapt the buffer site setting depending on the computer (disk space, RAM, etc...) so I don't think that this would slow down your application too much.
Hope this helps
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