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Connecting FLIR camera with IC3173


I am using Industrial controller IC-3173 and connecting POE camera of FLIR Fc-645.

But i am not able to get it detected in NI Max.

Can you help me out for the steps and other requisite.


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Message 1 of 8

Go through this thread and let know if that helps solving the issue.



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Message 2 of 8
is it necessary to be a camera with GigE complience or any poe camera can work with IC-3173?
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Message 3 of 8

It is not necessary for a camera to be GigE compliant to work with IC3173. What method of connection are you using? Is it USB? Ethernet?

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Message 4 of 8

it is ethernet...POE port

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Message 5 of 8

Alright. When you say that it is not detected by NI MAX, do you mean that you can see the device on the device tree but cannot open it or do you mean that you cannot see your device at all?

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Message 6 of 8

I can see only IC3173 and in its details it shows on one of PoE port of IC-3173(out of 4) as an active IP.

But in device tree i am not able to see any camera.


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Message 7 of 8

Hello, I ran into a similar probelm and could get my gigE camera (Basler) detected under my IC-3173 nilrt installed) on MAX.  


Here are what I stumbled till it gets detected.

  1. Above all, connect a power supply which can supply between 21.6[V] - 30[V] as described in 3173's getting started guide.  This level of power is required to provide power to PoE compliant gigE camera.  
  2. Do not forget to install all the necessary drivers on your development computer especially Industrial Controller driver.  
  3. Once you get IC-3173 detected under Remote System on MAX, install softwares on it especially IMAQdx drivers such as gigE camera support.
  4. In my case, I hesitated to directly connect the gigE camera to IC-3173's PoE port in the first place.  Rather, I provided static IP address for the gigE camera by using camera-vendor's utility, configuring network between PC and the gigE camera WITHOUT IC-3173.  In my case, I assigned ( for subnet)
  5. After the gigE camera is given a static IP, connect the gigE camera to one of IC-3173's PoE ports.  Double-check that bright blue LED lights up next to the PoE port to which the camera connected.  
  6. Go to IC-3173 under Remote System in MAX and open its network configuration page.  Configure Adapter mode and IPv4 address and subet for the Ethernet Adapter to which the gigE camera is connected.  I configured and  
  7. Now, go to Remote System >> NI-IC-3173-(S/N) >> Device and Interface >> Network Device.  You will see camera there.  





Osamu Fujioka


LabVIEW FPGA and Software Designed Instrument Expert

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Message 8 of 8