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Connect IDEC PLC with LabVIEW using Modbus

I am using IDEC PLC and need to connect to LabVIEW. It has Modbus TCP/IP to connect.


Used the following article to create I/O server but in bind shared vaiable it takes a range and that did not work.


PLC is the server and LabVIEW is the client.

My question is how to create an object(or shared variable) to access one register from LabVIEW, example to access 1st holding register D0 that has Modbus address of 400001.



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Hi lvrat, 


When you add a range in the "Create Bound Variables" dialog, the data item should only contain one number, and then you can specify how many subsequent numbers to add.  See the attached images:


Could you add a screenshot of the way you are adding those variables?

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